Firefox Send Subdomain
Published on 2023-12-15 by Kevin Zarate
Since I am a little monkey, I have decided to self-host an instance of Firefox Send. I can finally send all ungodly large files over a file host that doesn’t suck (Unless my internet dies, but I don’t control that; Xfinity’s shitty internet does). The instance can be found at
Screenshot my firefox send instance
So, I have the file limit set to 10 gigabytes (10,737,418,240 bytes to be exact) because I needed to send a friend of mine a windows ISO after accidentally nuking his C: drive. I thought it’d be a nice public service for the three people that ever find this site along with being a quick way to send files back to myself from school. Any file have a one month time limit because I would like to keep my 22 terabyte drive stuffed to the brim with legally asquired Linux ISOs.